What is Eduthon?
Eduthon is an educational event format aimed at refining the concepts of project ideas expressed by the participants.
EENCE-Eduthon aims to identify and support the best ideas to promote citizenship education and democratic values in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Poland/Lithuania.
What will Eduthon look like?
Edutons in the countries listed above will take place in August-September 2024.
Participation in each Eduthon (2 working days) will be attended by ten teams selected on a competitive basis (2 people in each team), which will submit ideas for educational, informational, cultural and other projects in the field of citizenship education.
Teams selected to participate in Eduthon may include NGO and community activists, teachers, students, artists, and others who want to promote citizenship education and democracy in their communities and countries.
In Poland, displaced people from Ukraine and Belarus can become Eduthon participants.
During the Eduthon, international experts will help teams refine their project concepts, plan their promotion, and prepare educational and other events methodologically.
Different Eduthon events will discuss the essence of citizenship education and various strategies for promoting it in the region.
Based on the results of each Eduthon, three winners will be selected, who will receive financial support for implementing their projects in their communities (September-October 2024).
Selected teams will hold at least 18 events in their countries (training, film screenings, art events, quizzes, discussions, etc.).
The project’s final event will be a general meeting of the Eduthon organizers and active participants. At this meeting, lessons learned will be discussed, and plans for joint activities to promote citizenship education and democracy in the EaP region will be agreed upon.
The EENCE-Eduthon-2024 is organised by the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) at the expense of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries (Eastern Partnership Programme).