Four teams won the EENCE Citizenship Education Eduthon, which took place on 5-7 September in Poland.
The winners were determined after the final presentation of project ideas, which were finalised by the participants during the first two days of the event.

Here are the winning projects:
“A touch that saves”
Project goal: to improve women’s awareness of current trends in breast cancer treatment through an outreach programme.
Place of implementation: Warsaw, Poland.
“Raised Hand: Teachers want to be heard“
Project goal: to highlight the situation of education under Russian occupation in Ukraine in order to disseminate and preserve the historical memory of the resistance of education workers, their struggle for their civil rights and freedoms.
Place of implementation: Piaseczno, Poland.

“Consider cross-cutting values”
Project goal: to provide activists with basic knowledge and understanding of cross-cutting values by analysing film fragments, and to instil knowledge of individual values through the Swedish circle method.
Place of realisation: Poland.
“Belarus City Quest in Vilnius“
The aim of the project: to strengthen Belarusian identity and ties within the Belarusian diaspora in Vilnius through the formats of active, live immersion/study of Belarusian history, culture and language, to increase the number of people actively participating in the life of the Belarusian community in Vilnius.
Place of implementation: Vilnius, Lithuania.

Teams representing Ukrainian and Belarusan initiatives from Lithuania and Poland took part in Eduthon in Warsaw. As a result, two teams announced by Ukrainian teams and two Belarusan teams won.
Already in the near future they will start implementing projects in their communities in different cities in Poland and Lithuania.

Here’s what the representatives of the winning teams have to say about their impressions:
Olga Nizhelska, “A Touch that Saves”
I am very grateful for the opportunity to present my idea and receive support from experienced experts. The event opened new horizons for the development of my project, as well as provided valuable knowledge and inspiration for the next steps for the project to develop.
Thank you to the organisers for the professional preparation of the event and the incredible atmosphere that prevailed during these three days.
It was an important step for me as a professional and I am sure that the results of the event will benefit not only me, but also many other participants and beneficiaries of my project ‘Touch that Saves’.
Yuliia Hudyma-Smetanska, “A hand up: teachers want to be heard“
When you expect nothing, you get the most!
We came to Eduthon for experience and knowledge. As a result, we not only won, but also received something extremely important for us – fresh views on our project, on development opportunities and the potential we have.
Special thanks to the experts for their involvement, proactivity and tangible desire to help. We succeeded!
Hanna Berehova, “A hand up: teachers want to be heard“
I never thought that I would get so much useful knowledge in just a day and a half. The advice from Eduthon experts helped us incredibly to improve our project, to look at it from a different perspective, and to discover great opportunities for its realisation.
I also enjoyed being together with so many different, interesting and active people who are passionate about their work and ideas. A wonderful experience. Big thanks to the organisers for the warm atmosphere and care.
Sophia, ‘Consider cross-cutting values.’
I am very impressed with the results. Very useful meetings, a lot of new things, a lot of things I had to finalise. I am grateful to the organisers for the opportunity to develop in what makes me and others happier.
The EENCE-Eduthon-2024 is organised by the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) at the expense of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The organiser of Eduthon in Poland is Fundacja Międzynarodowy Ruch Latających Plecaczków / Flying Bag.