The second day of Eduthon in Ukraine started with a meeting with the Head of Goshchanskyi town, who told the participants about the educational projects implemented in his community. After that, the participants were welcomed to master-classes and consultations from the team of experts.
At the beginning of the day, international expert Samira Bayramova (Georgia) gave a presentation on “How to make sure that your project works for citizenship education”.

Next, the participants were offered masterclasses on how to make their project logical and concrete, and how to ensure its attractiveness. A separate masterclass was devoted to how to make project activities sustainable.

Throughout the day, Eduthon participants could also take advantage of expert advice to refine their project ideas.
See a brief description of the projects the participants came with:
Environmental, educational, rehabilitation activities on the basis of the Forest Youth Centre
Project goal: Installation of information stands with Braille text and creation of an audio guide on inclusive eco-routes in the forests of Volyn.
Target audience: People with visual impairments, in particular war veterans.
Expected results: Improved access to information for people with visual impairments, contributing to their rehabilitation and social inclusion through access to natural resources and information about them.
Project geography: Eco-route in the village of Vorotniv, Lutsk district. Vorotniv village, Lutsk district.
Safety School: peculiarities of staying in forests under war conditions.
Project goal: Teaching young people the basics of safety in forests in war conditions to minimise the risks associated with mines and other threats.
Target audience: Youth of Volyn region.
Expected results: Formation of safety culture among young people, increasing the level of preparedness for emergencies in war conditions.
Project geography: Lubeshevska and Kolkivska communities, Volyn Oblast.
Civic Engagement Workshops
Project goal: Raising awareness on civic participation through comprehensive workshops organised by the youth councils of Ivano-Frankivsk and Lutsk.
Target audience: Youth of Ivano-Frankivsk and Lutsk.
Expected results: Increased awareness of civic participation opportunities, development of horizontal links between activists of the two regions.
Project geography: Ivano-Frankivsk and Lutsk.
Youth inclusion in public life through a discussion centre.
Project Goal: Training young people in civic education and building skills of public activism and involvement in territorial communities.
Target audience: Youth 18-25 years old.
Expected results: Increasing the level of youth involvement in the public sector and local self-government.
Project geography: Lutsk, Volyn Oblast.
Training for young internally displaced persons on implementation of community projects.
Project Goal: To conduct training for young IDPs on the basics of project management, communication with the authorities and local self-government, and analysing the needs of the community in which they live.
Target audience: IDP youth in Cherkasy Oblast.
Expected results: Increased level of youth involvement in public life, strengthening of democratic processes and adaptation of VPOs in new communities.
Project geography: Cherkasy region, Cherkasy city.
Master Classes on Acting and Civic Education
Project goal: To organise master classes on acting, which will also promote civic education and democracy in the communities.
Target audience: Residents of Rivne, Chernivtsi and other Ukrainian cities.
Expected results: Increased level of civic activity and involvement in cultural processes, as well as strengthening of democratic values.
Project geography: Rivne and Chernivtsi.
Increasing the participation of youth of small communities in community governance
Project Goal: Increase awareness and participation of small community youth in community governance processes through specialised training and development of civic activism skills.
Target audience: Youth of small communities in Volyn region.
Expected results: Formation of a team of Ambassadors who will provide training in small communities where access to such educational activities is usually limited.
Project geography: Lutsk and small communities of Volyn Oblast.
Teaching older generation to use mobile devices
Project Goal: Teaching people 45+ to use mobile phones to pay for utilities and other transactions, which will simplify their daily lives.
Target audience: Residents of rural communities of Goschanka rayon.
Expected results: Increased digital literacy of the older generation, improving their access to important services through mobile devices.
Project geography: Villages of the Goshchanka community, Rivne Oblast.
Creation of an interactive reading room for young people
Project Goal: To create an interactive reading room for youth to develop their critical thinking, communication and mental health skills through work with books.
Target audience: Youth of Lutsk city territorial community.
Expected results: Increasing the level of reading literacy among young people and involving them in public life through books as a tool of civic education.
Project geography: Lutsk city territorial community, Volyn region.
Art therapy for war veterans
Project goal: To conduct master-classes on art therapy for war veterans and their families, which will help to reduce anxiety, stress and promote their social adaptation.
Target audience: War veterans, members of their families, VPOs.
Expected results: Improvement of participants’ psychological state and their integration into social life.
Project geography: Rivne, Klevan.
Media literacy course in the community.
Project Goal: Introduce a media literacy course in the community to train participants to check information for accuracy and to be media literate citizens.
Target audience: Residents of Kolodenska community.
Expected Outcomes: Increase in the level of media literacy among the population, strengthening of national identity and patriotic position.
Project geography: Kolodensky Lyceum, Korninsky Rural Rada, Rivne Oblast.
Intellectual games to increase media literacy.
Project goal: Intellectual games in three cities of Lviv region to increase media literacy and critical thinking among citizens.
Target audience: Local residents, GPOs, military personnel.
Expected results: Improvement of media literacy and promotion of democratic values in society through game-based learning formats.
Project geography: Lviv region.
Anti-fake game ‘NotaEnota’.
Project goal: Development of an anti-fake game ‘NotaEnota’ and an educational course for teachers on how to organise such games in schools.
Target audience: Teachers, students, community activists.
Expected results: Increased media literacy and development of critical thinking among students through a game-based learning format.
Project geography: Online and various regions of Ukraine.

The four winning projects of Eduthon in Ukraine will be determined on 8 September.
EENCE-Eduthon is organised by the Eastern European Association for Civic Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) with funds from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In Ukraine, the Eduthon is coordinated by the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine.