Thirteen teams representing Ukrainian and Belarusian initiatives from Poland and Lithuania will spend three days developing ideas aimed at promoting democratic values in their communities.

Eduthon began on 5 September with a presentation of the project ideas that the participants came with.

Here are the projects that claim victory in Eduthon:
Cultural Bridges: Ukraine-Poland
Idea: Creation of a cultural hub in Warsaw for Ukrainian and Polish artists.
Project geography: Warsaw, Poland.
Main activities: Seminars, workshops, master-classes, rehearsals and discussions of performances.
Taste of Life and Recipes for Survival: Stories of Emigrant Women in Poland.
Idea: Sharing stories of adaptation of emigrant women to life in Poland.
Project geography: Legionowo, Poland.
Main activities: Meetings, discussions and exchange of emigration experiences.
Polish-German philosophical and discussion club for teenagers and young people.
Idea: Integration of Ukrainian youth through workshops and discussions.
Project geography: Online (Poland – Germany).
Main activities: Online meetings, masterclasses and discussions.
Bridges of adaptation: Psychological support for emigrants
Idea: Providing psychological support to emigrants for successful adaptation.
Project geography: Zyrardów, Poland.
Main activities: Individual and group counselling.
ART-therapy for people with disabilities
Idea: Adaptation of people with disabilities through art therapy.
Project geography: Warsaw, Poland.
Main activities: Art therapy sessions based on Polish experience.
Women’s Health Mirror
Idea: Raising awareness about breast cancer prevention.
Project geography: Warsaw, Poland.
Main activities: Teaching self examination methods and the importance of prevention.
Civic Start: Youth and Emigration
Idea: Raising awareness among young people about participation in public life.
Project geography: Warsaw, Poland.
Main activities: Educational programmes and integration of emigrants.
Voices of the Unbroken: Teachers’ Stories of Loyalty
Idea: Documenting the stories of Ukrainian teachers forced to emigrate.
Project geography: Piaseczno, Poland.
Main activities: Collecting and documenting teachers’ stories.
Cultural knowledge – the way to democracy
Idea: Promoting civic education through the study of culture and traditions.
Project geography: Klaipeda district, Lithuania.
Main activities: Studying culture, traditions and civic education.
How to survive in emigration
Idea: Supporting emigrants in adapting to the new labour market.
Project geography: Poland.
Main activities: Training in self-presentation skills and psychological literacy.
Mainstreaming cross-cutting values in activists’ projects
Idea: Training activists to promote cross-cutting values in their projects.
Project geography: Poland.
Main activities: Training through film analysis and Swedish circle method.
Belarus City Quest in Vilnius
Idea: Strengthening Belarusian identity and communication within the diaspora through quests.
Project geography: Vilnius, Lithuania.
Main activities: City quests, study of Belarusian history and culture.
Idea: Teaching schoolchildren to make paper from reeds.
Project geography: Vilnius, Lithuania.
Main activities: Organising master-classes on paper making.
The first day of Eduthon also included a discussion on the challenges for citizenship education in Belarusian and Ukrainian communities outside their countries, as well as the challenges for the region as a whole.

On the second day, participants are expected to attend master-classes from experts, which will help to make project ideas more concrete, structured and attractive, focusing them on the priorities of citizenship education.

On the final day there will be a final presentation of the projects, based on the results of which the best teams will receive resources to realise their ideas.
The EENCE-Eduthon-2024 is organised by the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) at the expense of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The organiser of Eduthon in Poland is Fundacja Międzynarodowy Ruch Latających Plecaczków / Flying Bag.

EENCE-Eduthons aims to identify and support the best ideas aimed at promoting citizenship education and democratic values in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine as well as Poland.