‘Democratic Values in Action: Education for European Civic Spirit’. This was the name of one of the winning projects of Eduthon in Moldova. The aim of the project was to strengthen democratic values among young people, to develop civic responsibility and active participation in society.
The project was implemented in September-November 2024 on the basis of the lyceum ‘Vasile Alecsandri’ in Chişinău.
Its key elements were:
- Educational masterclasses for schoolchildren on human rights, democracy and civic responsibility.
- Simulations of democratic processes, including elections and debates.
- Social projects aimed at solving local problems.
- International debates with pupils from Romania, Poland and Estonia.

‘The highlight of the project was the ‘Caravan of Democracy’, during which students had the opportunity to learn the basic concepts of active citizenship and democracy, human dignity and responsibility. This was made possible thanks to an experience exchange project implemented at the lyceum by Anca Simionike, a teacher of civic education from Romania.
She shared with the students practical examples of how they can actively participate in the life of their community, express their opinions and be involved in local decisions, while showing civic dignity and responsibility.
In total, more than 800 students aged 12 to 18, as well as their parents and teachers, took part in 12 project activities.
Another result of the project was the creation of posters, flyers and publications on the theme of democratic values, which were actively disseminated on social networks. The lyceum students developed persuasive texts and distributed them in their communities, promoting participation in the referendum on European integration held in Moldova on 20 October.
During the presentation, which took place on 11 November in Chisinau, its organisers noted that the project proved that democratic education contributes to the formation of conscious, responsible and active citizens.

Such initiatives help the younger generation to adapt effectively to the requirements of modern society and strengthen the foundations of a democratic society.
The EENCE-Eduthon-2024 is organised by the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) at the expense of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Eduthon in Moldova is organised by the National Association of Young Historians.