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Eduthon winning projects identified in Azerbaijan

The winners were announced on 26 September after the participants presented their final project ideas aimed at promoting civic education. Based on the results of the jury’s evaluations, the winners were awarded to four teams, which will receive financial support to implement their projects.

Here are the winning projects:

Consequences of Early Marriages and Consanguineous Marriages

This project aims to prevent early and consanguineous marriages and raise awareness about the consequences of these marriages.

Appointment of Talent

The purpose of the project is promoting the process of determining the educational direction and specialization at an early age.

“Pedagogy of civic education” book

Forming the concept of civic education in the education system in the right form.

Increase citizen participation

The goal of the project is to increase citizen participation and democratic independence by organizing discussions and debates in three communities in Goranboy district of Azerbaijan.

The EENCE-Eduthon-2024 is organised by the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) at the expense of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Eduthon in Azerbaijan will be coordinated by the Adult Education Association of Azerbaijan.

In addition to Azerbaijan, Citizenship Education Eduthons were held in August and September in Georgia, Poland, Armenia, Ukraine and Moldova. The winners of the Eduthons in these countries will implement their projects until the beginning of November 2024.