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Meet the EENCE-Eduthon National Coordinators

It is these people who are organising Eduthons in August-September in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine, aimed at identifying and supporting interesting ideas for the development of citizenship education.

Anna Zakaryan (Armenia)

Together with my sister Armine, I am the founder of the NGO “Women’s Solidarity Space” and have fifteen years of experience in non-formal education.

I have worked as a facilitator, mentor and coordinator in several international networks.

I am a social theatre director specialising in conflict transformation, gender and discrimination.

Now coordinating a national programme of rural development through education and business.

Oksana Urban (Ukraine)

I have twenty years of university experience and fifteen years of work in civic education. I head the public organisation “European Vector of Volyn”.

I cooperate with international organisations and implement projects on sustainable development, gender education, study of positive European experience and its implementation in Ukrainian realities.

I love travelling and implementing new ideas.

Alexandru Seu (Moldova)

PhD student at Philology and History Department at Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University, History and Social Education teacher.

My areas of interest are cultural heritage, historical memory, history and citizenship education, participatory democracy.

I am the author of several scientific articles and co-author of national and international methodological manuals.

Previously involved in local, national and international projects related to strengthening historical and citizenship competences of students and adults.

Sergiy Sukhoboychenko (Poland)

Since 2018 I have been the Chairman of the Board of the public organisation Fundacja Międzynarodowy Ruch Latających Plecaczków / Flying Bag and since 2022 I have been a member of the International Chapter of the Order of Smile.

In 2021, developed and delivered an author’s digital education course for emigrants in Poland, which was attended by 1000 people.

Before moving to Poland in 2014, he worked in Ukraine as a youth leader, sports school director, analyst and coordinator of international projects. He was a media education consultant and trainer, training university teachers, government officials and journalists.

In Warsaw, I am also the coordinator of the Integration and Adaptation Centre for Ukrainians.

Azar Ramazanov (Azerbaijan)

Chairman of the Adult Education Association in Azerbaijan.

Director of the Consulting Centre for Adult Education. Member of the Coordinating Council of the Eastern European Association for Civic Education. Social historian.

I have over 25 years of experience in implementing and developing educational projects and programmes, adult and civic education at national and international levels.

Nurana Mammadova (Georgia)

I am a DPhil candidate, National mentor of the EU4Youth Alumni Network, and facilitator.

I work as an international trainer and expert for UN and EU institutions and the World Bank.

I am deeply committed to creating safe learning environments and empowering social actors, particularly NEET youth (young people who are not in education, employment, or training). My areas of competence include project management, NEET youth empowerment, social entrepreneurship, and education of trainers and mentors.

Since 2012, I have trained and supervised thousands of individuals worldwide and mentored hundreds of social initiatives in Eurasian and African countries.

I represent the Academy for Peace and Development (APD), an international, non-governmental, non-profit, non-political youth organization from Georgia, which aims at empowering youth, promoting peace, tolerance, and solidarity in the South Caucasus and beyond by capacity development of young people.

The EENCE-Eduthon-2024 is organised by the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) at the expense of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries (Eastern Partnership Programme).