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Eduthon participants in Baku presented their project ideas

Cultural diversity, development of local communities, increasing citizen participation in solving important social problems and other important project topics were presented on 25 September at the Citizenship Education Eduthon in Azerbaijan.

Each project team also had the opportunity to receive counselling support from an international team of experts.

Thanks to this, they will be able to improve their projects and better present them on the final day of the Eduthon.

Here is a brief description of the winning projects:

1)The fight against drug addiction is a demand of the society

The goal of the project is to reduce the effects of drug addiction in society and to strengthen the process of education.

2) Consequences of Early Marriages and Consanguineous Marriages

This project aims to prevent early and consanguineous marriages and raise awareness about the consequences of these marriages.

3) Academy of Cultural Diversity

The aim of the project is to raise awareness of cultural diversity among young people and contribute to the development of intercultural dialogue, cooperation and tolerance.

4) Communities as the center of sustainable development

Stimulating redevelopment by strengthening the activities of 37 mobilized communities in the Guba-Khachmaz region and restoring existing relations

5) The role of education in traffic safety

 Schoolchildren are educated about traffic safety

6) Increase citizen participation

The goal of the project is to increase citizen participation and democratic independence by organizing discussions and debates in three communities in Goranboy district of Azerbaijan.

7) “Pedagogy of civic education” book

Forming the concept of civic education in the education system in the right form.

8) Promoting “The Importance of Social Entrepreneurship in Civic Education”.

The purpose of the project: to promote the “importance of social entrepreneurship in civic education” through non-formal education of 45 teachers working in secondary educational institutions 

9) Appointment of Talent

The purpose of the project is promoting the process of determining the educational direction and specialization at an early age

10) “Global citizen” and “citizen identity

To support the correct understanding of the concepts of “global citizen” and “citizen identity” in society within civic education.

11) “What is a startup?”

To provide students, innovators and entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge, skills and resources to implement new business ideas

12) Alternatives that will make civil society more connected to educationTo increase collective responsibility and participation in education by bringing together community members, parents, teachers and students. 

13) “Increasing the participation of children and youth in the fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases acquired as a result of risky behaviors”.

The EENCE-Eduthon-2024 is organised by the Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) at the expense of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Eduthon in Azerbaijan will be coordinated by the Adult Education Association of Azerbaijan.