An accessible and safe forest for visually impaired children and all-arounders, an interactive reading room ‘Quiet Books’, lessons on the use of digital gadgets for older people in the village, art therapy for those who experience loss during the war – these are the four projects that became winners of the Ukrainian Eduthon. The winning teams will implement their projects until November.
On 8 September, the final day of the event, the participants received advice from Tetyana Kuznetsova on how to make their projects concrete and realistic.

The event culminated with the presentation of the final versions of the projects.

It was not easy for the jury to choose the winners, but the choice was made.

The winning teams will now prepare to implement the projects in their communities.
EENCE-Eduthon is organised by the Eastern European Association for Civic Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) with funds from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In Ukraine, the Eduthon is coordinated by the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine.